Wednesday, 2 May 2012

RIM’s BlackBerry OS 10 – Let’s Capture Perfect Moments!

Whenever you look at that family photograph hanging right in front of the living room, you wish you were a little less natural and lively! Who doesn’t want to look perfect in the pictures! Alas, some moments can never be recaptured nor can you go back in that moment of time and make the desired changes. 

Well, now you can! Yes, all thanks to BlackBerry! RIM's BlackBerry OS 10 has a time-shifting camera application. This feature enables you to go back to the previous frames before the final shot is taken and correct just the required portion of the picture. Now you will never have to regret that you were not prepared for the camera lens. BlackBerry OS 10 ensures that all the memories are treasured at their best. 

Oh! Was your mouth bang open when you got clicked? No worries, now you can select a specific portion, rewind the moments captured before the final shot, zero in on the perfect pose and make alterations in any picture. This is really picture perfect! 

This time-shifting application has strong resemblance to Rewind photo application that was introduced this year by a Swedish app developer. Though nothing much has been revealed by the company yet, it seems immediate images get saved as cache even before clicking the final shot. Recording of images starts the very moment camera app is turned on. This interesting feature is already doing rounds everywhere and for sure, it is now tough to wait till August to experience it ourselves.


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